Monday, July 6, 2009

Just when you think you have had enough of Michael Jackson being the talk around the water cooler, a US Congressman decides to jump in to the ring and take a shot at the dead King of Pop.

That's right, a US Congressman Rep. Peter King (R- Seaford, NY) takes aim at the canonization of the King of Pop, charges Jacko was a "pervert, a child molester" and "pedophile".

The outspoken Republican said political correctness and the media were responsible for its non-stop coverage of a seamy entertainment oddity.

I can't blame him, I don't necessarily saying I am agreeing with his accusations. I am just saying I personally am also getting sick of hearing every small fucking detail of every second of whats going on with Michael. Just go to TMZ and what will you find? NOTHING ABOUT ANYONE, JUST MICHAEL.

The furious Congressman went on to speak his mind about the subject:
"Let's knock out the psychobabble. He was a pervert, a child molester, he was a pedophile," Below you can watch the YouTube video that he posted the other day saying:
"And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what does it say about us as a country? I just think we're too politically correct.

"No one wants to stand up and say we don't need Michael Jackson. He died, he had some talent, fine. There's men and women dying every day in Afghanistan. Let's give them the credit they deserve."

King said he was sick of seeing Jackson "treated like the hero of civilization.

"The bottom line is, he's a pervert," King stated.

"He was endangering young children and all these people who say he's a great hero would never let their children or grandchildren near him."

Jackson was charged but acquitted previously of child molestation but was acquitted despite continuing rumors of other alleged victims receiving huge payoffs to keep silent.

I can't blame the guy for telling it like it is. I find it somewhat humours that he is the only one who seems to be speaking the truth. Before Michael died there probably were just a hand full of people who actually believed he was not mental challenged, fucked in the head, or a child molester.

Now he is dead everyone is coming out of the woodwork trying to say how much they love him or how they were "best friends".

My question to them is... Where were you when he needed you then? I find it funny how if you had a conversation about Michael Jackson 3 weeks ago everyone was on his case about how he paid to get out of jail or how he was going to be too sick to perform his upcoming concerts.

Now you talk about Wacko Jacko and the only thing you hear is" Ahh it's so sad." or " I miss him already."

Well it's because you didn't fucking appreciate him while he was here. Now he is dead you jump on the "I LOVE MICHAEL" bandwagon.

The Congressman might be a little crazy to go against what other people are saying, but he has balls to at least speak whats on his mind and speak the truth.

The video he posted is below.
