ENOUGH is enough about Michael Jackson

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I am personally sick and tired of all the Michael Jackson BULLSHIT! Seriously, how many fucking times a day do I need to turn on the radio or the TV just to find out my show has been cancelled for a special Michael Jackson event, or some new update on Michael Jacksons finances, or my favorite... Some fucker who I never heard of before saying how him and Michael are best friends and all of the sudden he is on TV trying to get his 15mins.

Seriously, Am I the only one who is fucking tired of this? I honestly believe it's to the point of just being a cash camel for everyone including his FAMILY believe it or not.

I personally don't believe some of his family even gives a shit about the fact there son or brother has passed away. I feel they are just happy to be on all the networks and in the world "heart" again.

I don't know whats worse, watching his family pretend to cry? or actually watching his children really cry as they are thrown in front of the world as puppets and a future pay cheque to there aunts and uncles..

It makes me puke!

I made a poll up in the middle column where you can go vote. What do you guys think?
