The Gosselin gravy train ready to derail!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Now, The Pennsylvania Department of Labor is investigating whether the crazy couple are even complying with child labor laws.

The media fueled money making machine that is Jon & Kate Plus 8 has been barreling upstream for five years now, but now that the reality TV couple seems headed for separation. ( Or that's what they want you to think)

On some episodes you witness Kate yelling at Jon to return an Item because he didn't use the "Coupon" and they needed to save money. She makes a big deal out of the little thing but do the fans really know what kind of coin these two are getting from TLC?

Confirmed Payouts from TLC included: A tummy-tuck for Kate that can cost up to $8,000; Teeth-whitening for mom & pop $1,310; hair implants for Jon $5,200; new carpeting in their prior abode $10,000 and a Utah ski vacation worth at least $5,000 which is no surprise to ENQUIRER readers as they revealed last summer that the "poor" parents had a nice fat bank account and plenty of help (hot body guards for one) thanks to network payoffs.

Meanwhile it's unclear what the Gosselin 8 get besides exploitation and a free lunch at Chucky Cheese.

"The kids deserve the money too" a local Child and Family worker said to the media

Recently due to there "scandal" and I use quotes because I have mentioned many times which I believe is simply for viewers obviously worked. The minor reality stars helped nab 10 million viewers for the season premier

There has been no talks if a real divorce is on it's way, or if even a trust account for the children have been set up.

The state will continue there investigation on Jon and Kate plus FAKE.
