Superman & Batman arrested in New York

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Just when you thought everything was normal in the streets of New York something like this happens.

Superman & Batman were no match for NY's Finest as a battle royal with cops ends with Caped Crusader cuffed and Man of Steel collared!

Tourists and Times Square habitués jaws dropped as cops battled Clark Kent's alter ego in the middle of the World's Crossroads. "The Man of Steel didn't go down with just two officers, it took seven officers!" witness Ryan McCormick who snapped pix said. "He was putting up a good fight!"

His buddy "The Dark Knight" was cuffed to a lawn chair like a common street thug. In the picture below you can see how Superman is battling for his life while his buddy Batman looks just sad and powerless.

Maksim Katsnelson, 23, aka "Superman" was arrested and charged with assault and resisting arrest. NYPD accused him of popping a female officer in the face.

The Times Square tumult began when officers approached Katsnelson for panhandling in costume without a license when he freaked out.

"I'm not getting arrested," he yelled, His superpowers kicked in and attempted to fly away!

His pal Batman, Frank Frisoli, who was visiting from Maine, had thought it'd be a laugh if the two dressed as the popular DC Comics characters to hit tourist spots.

Some laugh as Superman made an unscheduled visit to the Midtown South station house while Batman was released on his own Bat-recognizance for not causing problems.

I find these people who are starting to dress up as superheroes who actually believe they are helping or fighting crime to be really annoying. Ya it's funny when you see them walking around the streets but once they actually start to believe they have superpowers, well that's when all hell breaks loose.

Only in New York right?
