Today is my Birthday! Oh Crap!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Well today is my Birthday.

I am not writing this to get a bunch of people to say Happy Birthday to me(But feel free to do so) but I am writing this because if any of you are like me when it comes to your birthday you think...

"Another year till my death" or "Bye bye youth"

I for one am Grumpy on my Birthday, I am not sure what it is but every year after the age of 25 that goes by I feel my life is getting so old.

I know there are a lot of "Older people" out there who read my blog and you might be thinking I am crazy.

I am not sure what it is about it, It always seems to happen every Birthday I just seem to get in that mood that makes me not want to go out in public.

When I was younger I loved my Birthday, I thought it was the Bees Knees. I was always looking forward to my McDonald's parties and getting presents and money from all my friends.

Then you get older, and through out the year you buy yourself everything you want, so when it comes to your Birthday you don't ask for anything. Then you start gaining weight in places you never thought you could gain. The people at McDonald's don't appreciate you at 28 like they did when you were 8. They give you crazy looks while all the other parents hide there kids from you.

You start to think about life and how many years do you actually have left to live? You then think about all the fun times you had with your friends and all the crazy all nighters and parties you went too and how you could drink like a fish and still go to work the next day.

Then you realize all of the above is gone and you will be even lucky if you didn't fall a sleep on your friends couch before midnight.

In the end, yes it's my Birthday and it's not the end of the world. Still......

Another year closer to picking up Depends at the drugstore.
