Jon and Kate plus H8TE

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon and Kate Gosselin have been going through a very public ordeal (which I think is to boost this season dieing ratings) accusations that each cheated on each other. So it's not surprising that in the premiere of their TLC show, Jon & Kate Plus 8, the couple are mostly filmed in separate interviews and barely speak even at their sextuplets' birthday party.

Not speaking is a very easy thing for Jon, Kate never let him spoke anyway while they were both on the couch. This might be a new way to actually let the audience here what Jon is thinking instead of just wondering what he wants to say.
Both couples have denied the accusations against them. Meanwhile, Kate has been on on the road for the show and Jon has stayed at home. (Probably because Kate told him too)

This all started when there was a buzz around Jon's involvement with a 23 year old girl who he calls a friend. This then led to rumors that Kate was also having an affair with there bodyguard.

"I think the thing that makes me the maddest is: Jon made some mistakes and he was out and whatever, and that made people question him," she said. "I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm working and traveling. I'll be darned if they're going to take me down with that," she adds. "I have a lot of anger, because this is not where we were supposed to be, this is not what I envisioned for us."- She says to OK magazine

The episode finishes with the couple finally on the same interview couch, facing the question of, "Do you guys know what the future holds?" Neither one answers as the episode ends.

Again, I think this is all publicity and it's working. If either one of them fucked around good for them. I don't think there marriage was rock solid to begin with. I think Jon needs to get the hell out of the relationship, and I feel sorry for any man who gets involved with Kate.

Obviously this drama is working and we will continue to follow the "gossip" as the show continues on TLC.
