HEROES: Nathan Petrelli is Dead!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nathan Petrelli is Dead!

Yes unfortunatly Heroes fans they killed off his character. In Tonights season finale Peter and Nathan face off against Sylar in a hotel room only to come out with Sylar killing Nathan, Peter getting all of his powers back, and Matt Parkmen then trying to "brainwash Sylar to think he is now Nathan".

The actor who plays Nathan did sign another year with the show, but I don't believe he will be playing Nathan as Nathan again. It's obviously because he still has to "act" like he is Nathan when Sylar is "playing him" So if you don't understand, He's still acting in the role as Sylar playing him in the show.

Now another rumor is that they are thinking of killing off Hiro. Tonight it does show that Hiro is not feeling good and this might tie in to something in the future for his character to some how change.

He is either going to get killed off and make a lot of fans unhappy (some happy) or he will some how get a different power.

Ando is now growing his character, I believe he will turn into a villan at some point. The future Ando does kill Hiro but who knows if that's the case. I just think he will turn bad because of the way he is acting, wanting power, and also the way he uses his powers.

Whatever the case maybe in the next season (cause yes there will be one) I have no idea how they are either going to mess this franchise up more, or some how going to fix it.

It's honestly reminding me of the show LOST. It's not really going anywhere.
