Why not posting about Chris "the wife beater" Brown?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Well lots of Celebrity gossip sites are all up to date on Chris Brown Rihanna Gate as well as other topics that i haven't commented about.

Some of you have been emailing me asking why i haven't been posting or been up to date on the topics.

Here are my top 5 reasons..

1. I really dislike both of them
2. I think both of them need some Dr.Phil action
3. As previously mentioned lots of Celeb sites have been posting about the couple 24/7
4. Rihanna is as smart as Octo-mom. Octo-mom didn't know when to stop having kids, Rihanna didn't know when to stop letting Chris Brown beat her like nobody's business.
5. I'm sure i will be posting something about Chris Brown when i feel like it, but in the meantime this is why you all read ESC, because it's not everyday gossip but other opinions and bullshit that other sites don't post or talk about.

So I hope the above answers have satisfied you enough.

In the meantime stay tuned.

[also see:http://www.eatsleepcelebrity.com/2009/02/chris-brown-and-rihanna-back-together.html]
[also see:http://www.eatsleepcelebrity.com/2009/02/bobby-brown-beats-rihanna.html]
