TMZ attack on Octo-Mom for wasting tax dollars.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Okay look, I don't like Octo-Mom as much as the next person, but i think the attack on her for bullshit reason is just getting ridiculous.
Yesterday on TMZ they were talking about how many times she has called 911 in the past so many years and how it's wasting our tax dollars.
Come on, that crazy lady they showed on the same episode called 911 3 times in the same day because she couldn't get her money back at the McDonalds.
That's wasted tax dollars in my opinion. More so then Octo-Mom.
I enjoy watching TMZ, and i think the show is great, but i also think that was in bad taste yesterday to just try to make Octo-Mom look like she is the only one sucking money out of us.
I'm not on Octo-Moms side here, but I'm stating the obvious. Which is worse 8 calls to 911 in a couple years, or 3 calls to 911 in one day over Chicken nuggets?
Lay off Octo-Mom and she will go away, that's my opinion take it to the bank!