Friday, February 27, 2009

The deal is on the table from VIVID for OCTO-PRON, the real question is...
Would you hit it?
The deal is 1 milion dollars upfront and health and dental. According to the TMZ poll over 80% of there viewers would NOT watch it.
I think that's BULLSHIT, i know i would watch it, and i don't find her attractive at all, but still its one of these things that people do. They say "that's disgusting" and "NO WAY" but in the end we are only human and we are all interested in seeing how a mom of 14 kids takes it in the face.
Are my takes a little harsh? well maybe she will do the deal because she needs the money for her kids. Maybe she will do it because who else would want to sleep with that but an actor who needs to get paid to hit it.
Either way, we will keep an eye out for the future adventures of OCTO-PRON!
