Thursday, February 12, 2009
Well i am sure we all watched the Grammy's, and what can i say.
This performance was disgusting for me to watch. That's what i can say, Really! I did not want to see a prego lady dance around on stage trying to rap a song while wearing some kind of ugly dress/shirt thingy.
I talked to some co-workers and some think this was natural and i shouldn't hate on it so much, but i tend to disagree.
DISGUSTING!!, hands down.
The word on the street was that she was due to pop that evening but still came to perform. Could you imaging if water just started leaking out of her spandex pants all over the stage.
That would have been an interesting site to see.
M.I.A In my opinion, wrong place, wrong time.
[image via http://dailycontributor.com]